I went back over this blog and changed almost all the titles to be something other than a snippet of the body text generated during the Google+ import. The downside is that it changed the URLs for most of the existing posts.

I used jekyll-redirect-from to redirect all the old URLs, but it changed a 9 second site build on my laptop to a 790 second site build, and still didn’t write most of the redirects I was asking for. I have enough data that I could construct the redirects by hand, but I doubt anyone has saved links to this blog in the short time since I resurrected it. Most likely the tree fell on the forest and there was no one to hear it, which makes it hard to care.

A benefit of shorter file names is that I am now able to clone my blog source to my phone with MGit, edit the markdown easily with Markor, and push back to do new posts and updates without a computer handy.

Now that the file names are manageable, I plan not to change the file names and the resulting URLs any more, so they should stay stable, even if I edit the titles.