Always carry earplugs
I never remember to bring earplugs to the server room. This is my own fault.
Edward Morbius June 23, 2014 17:07
Actually, your server room ought to be providing them. Workplace safety and OSHA. Bring it up with your shop steward.
Michael K Johnson June 23, 2014 17:08
They might, now that you mention it… I’m a rare visitor.
Edward Morbius June 23, 2014 17:11
I keep a set in my book bag, largely because I tend to wear them at work and while commuting. But still.
What always impresses me is yawning in a DC with earplugs in – how much sound enters through my mouth.
David Megginson June 23, 2014 19:25
I keep ear plugs with me for travel. Once I was in a NYC hotel with walls so thin that I could hear the person in the next room passing wind. Always be prepared!
Michael K Johnson June 23, 2014 20:20
I have four pair in my overnight kit and usually two or three pair in my computer bag. But I just repacked into a different computer bag and can’t remember what pocket I put them in! :-)
Edward Morbius June 23, 2014 23:33
+David Megginson Better to hear than to smell.
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